The MCCC promotes and supports positive interactions between children and educators, contributing to a safe, inclusive and accepting environment. In our programs we promote Positive Guidance Techniques that encourages self regulation, self-control and problem solving skills.
- Mindfulness and yoga activities
- Redircetion to a quieter area where a child can self-regulate, they may be provided a sensory activities such as; puzzles, books, fidgets, colouring
- Positive language and consistency are very important
- Educators modeling self-regulation skills, such as deep breathing, using language (I’m sad, angry, excited, etc) for specific emotions they are feeling. Assisting children name their emotions
Parents often wonder what type of discipline is used. Discipline usually refers to the process of setting limits on a child’s inappropriate behaviour. allowing them to develop healthy boundaries.
Our goal is to help children develop their internal controls without threatening their self-esteem. Therefore, our method is to show the children alternative, appropriate behaviour, avoiding labelling or judgemental language.
Physical punishment is never used and a “time-out” is only used when all traditional methods of behaviour management have been exhausted.