Parent Involvement

Parents are welcome at any time to visit their child at the Centre and we encourage them to talk to their child’s teacher directly whenever possible.  Our staff work closely together and hopefully interactions are positive, helpful, kind and understanding.  Yet we expect that from time to time that there may be miscommunication and people will experience some conflict or have a concern.  Should an educator make a mistake or if there is a miscommunication, we, the board of directors’, the administrator and the program supervisor, would appreciate it if you could tell us.

We understand that you want what is best for your child and we also know that is it your job as a parent/guardian to advocate and protect your child.  We encourage you to share your concerns because it is disturbing to find out “later” that a parent had a number of concerns and never expressed them.

It is important to deal with an issue in a straight forward manner so that we can correct or improve any mistakes or misunderstandings.  We promise to consider all requests seriously and to respond in writing in a timely manner.

Sometimes we cannot make the changes that you might request, however we ALWAYS want to hear your suggestions.  Our goal at the Mattawa Child Care Centre is to offer your family the best possible child care services and in order to do that, we need your input, your suggestions, your questions and concerns.

Daily Contact

The Educators at our Centre will communicate with you on a daily basis regarding your child’s daily activities either at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day when available.


Please phone as often as you like to find out how your child is adjusting.  Should you get our voicemail, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as we can.

Daily Communication Sheets

Every child has a daily communication sheet.  These sheets are confidential and parent’s are encouraged to share any relevant information that will assist your child’s teacher in meeting your child’s needs.  For example:  if your child will be picked up early for a medical appointment, or if your child had a late night etc. (any information that you feel is important and will help us understand what’s happening with your child.)

After reading about your child’s activities throughout the day, we ask that parents sign their initials to indicate that you’ve read the teacher comments about your child.  Daily communication sheets are just one way to ensure that parents and staff members will not miss any important information about your child’s day at the Centre.

Parent Information Board

Our Parent Board has a wealth of information available for parents regarding everything from free parenting classes to special events at our Centre.  We post notices from the Nipissing Parry Sound Health Unit, Community Events Calendars, our Centre’s Monthly Newsletter as well as a number of Parent Resources and Publications related to parenting.

Monthly Newsletters

Parents will receive monthly newsletters throughout the year.  These newsletters will be filled with information of special events and activities, topics of general interest and important dates to remember.  Parents are invited to contribute to the newsletters.  For further information, please contact the administrator at the Centre.

Parent-Teacher Nights

Parent-Teacher nights are held twice a year (fall/spring) to give parents an opportunity to speak with your child’s teacher about your child’s developmental progress.  A notice to parents will be posted on the parent information board and parents will also receive a letter two weeks prior to the Parent-Teacher night.

Parent Sign-up sheets will be posted to allow parents to choose a specific time to meet with their child’s teacher to review their child’s progress report.  Parents will be given a copy of their child’s progress report and the child’s teacher will be available for 20 minutes to review your child’s report with you should you have any questions or concerns.