Routine & Lesson Plan

The Daily Routine for all programs is posted in each of our classrooms.  The schedule of daily activities addresses the needs of the group and provides opportunities for the children to explore the environment according to his/her own developmental level.  The daily routine provides the children with a structured day that is predictable and the transition from activity to another is respectful of the children’s needs.

The Weekly Lesson Plan for all programs is posted on the Parent Boards at the entrance of each classroom.  Each Weekly Lesson Plan is created to provide your child with daily opportunities to;

  • Participate in a Large Group (circle)
  • Dramatic Play
  • Language and Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Sensory Exploration (sand, water, play dough, goop)
  • Motor Development (fine-motor; gross motor)
  • Music and Movement,
  • Science
  • Free-Play activities with the focus on learning through play.

Pictures may be taken and pdate to our parent comminucation app at the time to show individuals family what they have been learning that day,  allowing families to take part in the experience.

We are working on providing Learning stories from each classroom.